
Connect with each other. Connect with the planet.

At heart, BraZouky is about a dream for a better future, and sustainability became part of that dream in 2020. Through these small actions, we intend to contribute towards a better future for us all. 

BraZouky is now a climate-conscious event, which means that we calculate our carbon footprint and offset 100% of the greenhouse gas emissions within our control. The offset certificates are visible by clicking the blue text below. We also plan to minimise the plastic waste generated by the event.


The key sources of the emissions for an event like Brazouky are the carbon emissions from air travel and electricity use at the venue. 

BraZouky 2024

The Genneia Wind project is installing 71 state-of-the art wind turbines across 6 wind farms in Argentina. Four are located close to the county’s capital, Buenos Aires, while the other two sit on some of Argentina’s windiest plains in the southern province of Chubut. The turbines will harness the power of strong prevailing winds to generate clean, renewable electricity for the national grid.

By driving wind-generated energy, this project displaces harmful, fossil-fuel-based power, cutting the associated greenhouse gas emissions. As well as increasing Argentina’s energy security, the project boosts long-term green growth by installing renewable energy infrastructure and creating job opportunities.

BraZouky 2023

Lacandon Forests for Life in Guatemala conserves the tropical rainforest and its rich biodiverse ecosystems by working closely with local communities. The habitat of endangered species (including the jaguar and tapir) is protected while delivering an exceptional number of community benefits that include improving access to electricity, schools, skills training, safe water, and creation of enhanced opportunities for women. These offsets were purchased in 2021 in preparation for the cancelled event, and have subsequently been applied to the 2023 event.

 The EcoAustralia Mount Sandy Conservation Project in South Australia’s Limestone Coast protects and regenerates a rare piece of native vegetation in the region. Located on the lands of the Ngarrindgeri people, the traditional custodians of the Coorong, the project brings together indigenous and non-indigenous communities of Australia by promoting traditional land management for biodiversity conservation.

BraZouky 2020

Envira Amazonia in Brazil protects part of the Amazon Rainforest from logging, and offers economic opportunities to local communities; supporting sustainable farming and promoting environmental legacy. 


We are trying to reduce the amount of plastic waste we generate. Therefore, we ask that attendees use personal drink bottles at the water stations during BraZouky.

Official BraZouky shirts are made of bamboo. In addition to being a breathable fabric that is great to wear, bamboo doesn’t shed microplastics when washed.

Thanks to CIIARA for their generous support of the sustainability initiatives for BraZouky.